The Fairfield PSD #112 Regular Board of Education meeting will be held tonight at 6:00 pm at Center Street School Board Room, here are some of the items on the agenda: Public Hearing of FY23 Budget, Approval of Minutes regular and closed session minutes of August 15th and special open session minutes of August 25th, Financial Reports, Treasurer's Report, Payroll and Monthly Bills, Action Items, Act on Employment of Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, Act on re-hiring long term substitures, and act on hiring para-professionals. The Edwards County CUSD #1 Board of Education will meet tonight at 6:45 in the K-12 Band Room. The board will call to order then do roll call, the board will then motion to enter a public hearing for the purpose of reviewing the 2022 - 2023 School District Budget. The board will have the public hearing and then motion to adjourn the public hearing. The board will then have a regular meeting at 7:00 in the K-12 Band Room, here are some of the items on the agend
CHICAGO – Men who called themselves Southern Illinois Observers gave police probable cause to stop, search and arrest them, Seventh Circuit appellate judges ruled on Aug. 2.
Watching Anamosa junior Emily Watters pitch, over the last couple of seasons really, has brought back a lot of memories for me and actually made me realize what a phenomenal