According to information from the Raj Bhavan, Bais told VCs, “Even as the stipulated time period to declare results of various exams is 30 days to 45 days maximum, multiple universities are delaying results inexcusably.”
Mumbai : Today, British Council, the UK’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural exchange, and the Department of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to s
staff reporterwith the first phase of national education policy being implemented, students pursuing higher education can now exit the course midway carrying a certificate for the time they spent, come back after a stipulated time and co
Mumbai University, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, issue notification for indefinite postponement as non-teaching staff boycott exam work; students say govt must decide on demands
The meeting of vice chancellors chaired by him also discussed the issues of Uniform Academic Calendar and uniformity in time table of examinations and timely declaration of results.