obama. if lerner, who has nothing to hide, doesn t take the fifth, this is a scandal of monstrous proportions with a massive abuse of federal power. this woman has taken the fifth. how can it not be a story? but instead of a story, they put barack obama s prom pictures in there. sean: do you think the only reason the media covered anything at all was because of ñr ap side of this? yeah. i think they had a lover s spat, but they ve gotten over that one as well. look, if it were not james rosen, somebody on nbc, they would care more, but it s fox, so they don t care that much. these are other stories they do a story or two i ve been saying it from the very beginning they ll say they re done, walk away, and cover prom pictures. sean: that s unbelievable. it was the choom gang, remember
planned parenthood, wilderness society, defenders of wilderness, on and on, they never criticized them. and in;ñññr fact, one thieves gs $1 of one of these groups was formed by an aid to durbin. i never heard him complain about that. greta: thank you, karl. we got to go. tonight s hot button issue, was senator dick durbin doing his job when he wb american crossroads@6 or tryingo silence them and karl rove? go toç gretawire.com and vote n our poll. and lawmakers telling attorney general eric holder it s time to go. one of them is here next. that means your smartphone, her blackberry, his laptop, mark s smartphone but i m still on vacation. still on the plan. nice!
çy those other nations, you have td understand that we come to the table with the bigger burden ofd disease. the children dying before the age of 5 exceeds any of the other 16 richest countries. if you account for that, we do d much better. why do so many children die so young here? i was surprised about this.id particularlyñi thejfçóxd data b one and e1four, having the thir most common causet(ñr as homici. i think it points to the violence in our society. you start to look at kids 15 to 19, we know accidents and again violence. that s clearly one of the xdçó issues, those are surprising, but good news is, if you live to age 75, then you know you have a much longer chance of living as compared to those other 16 nations. i think it s an important point to make.çóu to lay it squarely at the feet of a profitable disease care ñi system, that may be true, 50th ( in the world, a lot of people
change you instead. that s probably where most of ñr the anger is coming from. sandberg isn t apologetic. ñr i m not trying to say that c everything i can do, everyone can do.ú but i do believe that these lp messages are completely i] universal. the things that hold women back3 hold women back from sitting atd the boardroom table and they ,%q the t(pta meeting.speakingp sandberg a mother of two also says leading at work requires men to share the work load at home.jf there s an awful lot we don t i m saying there s an awful lot we can control and we can do for ourselves. to sit at more tables, raise more hands. xpìc% challenging women to lean in and listen.xd york. after yahoo s ceo caused a national outcry by banning work from home, the conversation çó about women s career and home xk life balance has grown even louder.çó beginning tomorrow, cnn will çó3
leave? two nights before she disappeared that friday. she told me she was going through with the divorce. judge jeanine: she was definitive, two nights before she disappeared, that she was going to divorce drew peterson? yeah, she was seeing an attorney monday she seemed scared and asked how i felt about her getting divorced? i said, i was kind of scared because of what happened to kathleen. and she just looked up at me with this pale look on her face and said if anything is to happen to me, drew did something to me. i told her let s get out. she said she couldn t because of the kids. judge jeanine: when realize she was missing? sunday when she didn t call me, i gave her time i knew she was depressed and figured it took her a while to get to sleep. once i[úr figured the kids have to have woken her up, i kept calling, calling. judge jeanine: you just