the planned book burning event. lit feed the fire of caustic rhetoric and appears nothing more than mean spirited religious intolerance. don t feed that fire. and joining us now iszakaria fareed zakaria gps on sunday mornings. so why, fareed, is it that one pastor of a small congregation in florida can threaten to start burning a couple hundred copies of the koran and it can create a huge uproar endangering lives of u.s. military personnel? i think there are two things going on here, wolf. the first is that the koran is seen by muslims as the holy book, the word of god. it is seen as the unaltered word of god and it has a special significance beyond even something like the bible. there is a sense in which it is seen as the literal word of god.
pastor who plans to burn copies of the koran this saturday on the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. commander general david petraeus says it would inflame tensions and endanger the lives of u.s. troops. today, secretary clinton was asked about it in a policy speech, and she blasted the idea. we are a country of what 310 million-plus right now. i mean, it is regrettable that a pastor in gainesville, florida with a church of no more than 50 people can make this outrageous, and just distressful, disgraceful plan, and get, you know, the world s attention, but it is the world we live in right now. sarah palin is weighing in as well, and posting this message on the facebook page a short time ago. quoting, i hope that pastor terry jones and the supporters consider the ramifications of
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good for the republicans. i m serious. it points out the i don t want to be sounding mean, but lunacy of running away from barack obama. if you are in his party, you have him, and this politics of differentiation never works. republicans tried to run away from george w. bush in 2006 and it never worked and democrats can try to run away from barack obama, but i don t want to advise them, but i guess i am, distance yourself from lloyd blankfein from sachs. they are fighting for their lives now and many of the districts went for john mccain in 2008 as opposed to president obama. and paul is choosing to go down with the ship, and they will have lovely funerals and ep at thes f s f after thes for the epitaphs
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