Come and ill talk to you more. Talk her in line while you buy your book and, then get your book signed. Right. Thank you. Th now i have the honor introducing jonathan. I. Go, oh, it is it is common me when i visit family and friends to be greeted by an article artistic depiction, a quote of the reverend dr. Martin luther jr plays prominently in the home ive known of the life and of dr. King since childhood. I revere and respect his legacy because the honor deserved and as a black american i owe so much to it. Growing up baptist i was privy to i was privy to sacred conversations about the works of dr. When i heard of jonathan book king a life i wondered and 2023 what could i learn from reading a biography about dr. King that i did not already know but i was eager to out. In fact, i have Meticulous Research and the ability to uncover significant make this book which is the first significant biography written of the civil rights icon in in decades and about 30 years. It makes a must read
Come and ill talk to you more. Talk her in line while you buy your book and, then get your book signed. Right. Thank you. Th now i have the honor introducing jonathan. I. Go, oh, it is it is common me when i visit family and friends to be greeted by an article artistic depiction, a quote of the reverend dr. Martin luther jr plays prominently in the home ive known of the life and of dr. King since childhood. I revere and respect his legacy because the honor deserved and as a black american i owe so much to it. Growing up baptist i was privy to i was privy to sacred conversations about the works of dr. When i heard of jonathan book king a life i wondered and 2023 what could i learn from reading a biography about dr. King that i did not already know but i was eager to out. In fact, i have Meticulous Research and the ability to uncover significant make this book which is the first significant biography written of the civil rights icon in in decades and about 30 years. It makes a must read
Beauty and threatens lives. I was right candace and the editor of city journal. It is my honor to introduce the books author heather mcdonald. [applause] heather is the Manhattan Institute Thomas Debbie smith fellow. She is a contributing editor of city journal whos written for the magazine almost since its inception in her byline appears rightly in the wall street journal and many other leading publications. She is also the author of the t bestsellers were on cops and the diversity delusion. Just for kicks i asked the chap gpt who most influential city writers are in heathers name headed the list. I like that. I like ai. Over the years heathers scrupulous groundbreaking work has shed light on important trends in American Life new book brings back relentless reporting to perhaps the most dangerous one yet which is the equity craze that threatening our scientific, cultural and public institutionsum. She details the rise of impact ideology and potential to doet enormous harm to our socie
To author clay risen, here is his book. It was 60 years ago, june 11, 1963 when jfk gave his noted civil rights address. What was happening in the country then . Guest a couple of things had happened in the weeks before hand. That summer, that spring, you had the birmingham protests led by Martin Luther king trying to integrate retail and lunch counters in birmingham, alabama. Most people have probably seen the videos of Police Officers and firemen turning hoses and dogs on children. This is in everyones mind. They are copycat protests around the country. Just that morning in alabama and test colusa tuscaloosa, the governor had made his famous stand in a schoolhouse door where he tried to prevent black applicants were black students from entering the law school at the unersity of alabama. The Deputy Attorney general went down there with federal soldier to confront George Wallace and force him to stand aside. Civil rights was not just an issue people caredbout, it was an issue on the fr