The bottom line is insurers can extend current plans that would otherwise be canceled into 2014 and americans whose plans have been canceled can choose to reenroll in the same kind of plan. Hmmm. So, if you like your plan you can keep your plan, at least for another year. President obama announcing the Big Health Care fix that will let Insurance Companies continue canceled plans through 2014. It is going to cost more money somewhere. Could be coming from you. I bet it is coming from you. Here to crunch numbers, former cbo director doug holtzeakin. Everyone will argue about the politics of this. This show is called money. I want to drill down on numbers, what this really means, what it is going to cost. The first question i had after i heard the statement, you can keep your plan at the same cost . We dont know. That is the very first question you should ask, and, if people who would have normally would be not okay insurance policies, if they have them keep them for the year most likely
CONWAY Runs were hard to come by for Ouachita on Saturday, but with a state championship at stake, the Warriors got them when they absolutely had to have them.
CONWAY Runs were hard to come by for Ouachita on Saturday, but with a state championship at stake, the Warriors got them when they absolutely had to have them.