AP Photo/Matt York
Well, it looks like the Sixth Amendment may be as unwelcome and out-of-date in whatever it is America appears to be degenerating into as the First Amendment clearly is.
The local CBS affiliate is reporting the almost unbelievable news that Minneapolis officials plan on shelling out around $1.2 million in taxpayer money to “six social media influencers, with a large local following, to help push their message” during Derek Chauvin’s second-degree murder trial for the death of George Floyd.
11/ It is shocking that no one in the national media or civil rights groups is talking about the fact that Minneapolis is hiring social media influencers to manipulate the opinions of jurors and the community at large. Shocking silence. https://t.co/2O5I1matym.
Mikhail Metzel
Our military leadership has gone completely around the bend. It is flat out refusing to focus on building and maintaining the most lethal force in the world, able to deploy at a moment’s notice by direction of the National Command Authority and in defense of the national interests of these United States. Instead, it is armpit-deep in pandering to mentally disordered personnel, as I noted in Opinion: Defense Secretary Austin Plays Politics Right Out of the Gate.
In that piece, I asked a pointed question, one I had directed at more than a few Flag Officers:
How will this policy or decision: Increase Lethality, Cost Effectiveness, Survivability, Combat Effectiveness, Logistical Sustainability, Readiness, Deterrence or any other metric by which we assess our military ability to kill people and break things on behalf of the National Command Authority
crony capitalism fueled by tax dollars.
We could dispute the exact time when all this became such an in-your-face attitude. For the purposes of this piece, let’s go with the Obama Administration as the point at which the façade started to crumble and the 2016 Presidential Election where the left finally dropped all pretense of being a
loyal opposition. You know, back when President Barack Obama famously quipped, in about as arrogant a tone possible, that
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Wow!
That arrogance was only surpassed by that of the Hillary Clinton election team, those folks who could not be bothered to campaign in several key states. The criminal crone from Chappaqua brought an aura of entitlement to levels unheard of, with her demonstrated belief that the Oval Office was hers for the taking. The rumors of her uncontrollable rage on election night pale, however, when compared to the downright rabid, frothing at the mouth words and actions of the Democrats si