Dozens of homeless people set up camp at Cal Anderson Park on Capitol Hill.
Since then, that portion of the park has become dangerous and unusable. People are living in tents, trash and used needles have collected, and the stench of human waste has, at times, become overpowering. Nearby residents and businesses have complained.
The park has also become violent.
It was the site of a brutal murder. Repeat offender Travis Berge is accused of stabbing his reported girlfriend to death before himself dying at the park, falling (or jumping) into a tank filled with bleach and water. There were fires set at the park, an assault against an officer, medical crisis calls, and threats against park workers. It’s simply not safe.
Twitter screenshot (@GaryKIRO7).
Antifa has returned to Cal Anderson Park in Seattle, and in addition to barricading the area, agitators have reportedly seized a yellow house nearby, staging an “occupation” in the name of Black Lives Matter, indigenous rights, and free housing for everyone. Nearby, a car burst into flames after someone allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail into it. This latest agitation seems to echo the infamous and deadly Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) from the summer.
Antifa settled into a house on 11th Avenue and East Denny Way after police had planned to sweep a homeless camp at Cal Anderson Park, local radio host Jason Rantz reported. The homeless camp made the park “dangerous and unusable.” Trash and used needles have collected in the area and repeat offender Travis Berge allegedly stabbed his girlfriend to death before dying in the park himself. Fires have broken out in the park, police reported an assault against an officer, and park workers have