attempt umar farouk abdulmutallab last december. it is reported that hassan communicated with awlaki via e-mails and we asked his attorney about them. we made requests for the e-mails that i have read about in the press that allegedly went on between awlaki and major hassan. they have not been made available to us. the arm my psychiatrist considered himself a devout must lumbi enjoyed going to this strip club for lap dances. this is his seedy rundown apartment. found among his belongings was this business card that reads soa. soldier of ail law. i was told that within the e-mails hassan does use the and croacronym soa, soldier of all.
attempt attempt umar farouk abdulmutallab last december. it is reported that hassan communicated with awlaki via e-mails and we asked his attorney about them. we made requests for the e-mails that i have read about in the press that allegedly went on between awlaki and major hassan. they have not been made available to us. the arm my psychiatrist considered himself a devout must lumbi enjoyed going to this strip club for lap dances. this is his seedy rundown apartment. found among his belongings was this business card that reads soa. soldier of ail law. i was told that within the e-mails hassan does use the and croacronym soa, soldier of all.
response to questions. they are allowed to do it because how do you know there are not other bombs ? there were other bombs the night they were taken in, some detonated. so there are ideas there are other soft targets. that was confirmed in statements from some of the lawen lawen lawen law enforcement investigation agency. we will see if he was already mirandized or going to, but my thought is they are proceeding to the public safety exception. he could get the death penalty underfed rail law. but not in the state of massachusetts. they do not have the death penalty. the federal charges will trump and precede any of the state prosecution. those are what he is looking at. as an alternative life without the possibility of parole. even if he proceeded byway of the jury trial they could have that option in the penalty phase. my thoughts are he will through his representationwork d if the feds go for it, he will get life without possibility and go to florence, colorado