Kilpatrick Townsend's Ted Davis recently spoke at the Federal Bar Association's IP Law Fall Conference 2022 on the topic of "Petitions for Expungement or Reexamination and Other Aspects.
Kilpatrick Townsend’s Ted Davis recently spoke at the Federal Bar Association’s IP Law Fall Conference 2022 on the topic of “Petitions for Expungement or Reexamination and Other Aspects.
USPTO News - ..On October 19, 2022 the USPTO issued a report titled “Where are U.S. women patentees? Assessing three decades of growth” examining trends in women’s.
As part of the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (reported in the IP Intelligence Blog on Dec. 23, 2021), beginning on Dec. 3, trademark applicants will have three months.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) has received more than 170 petitions for expungement and reexamination since it began accepting these new filings late last year. And.