Mali Isabel transforms the 2022 Adelaide Fringe poster into a fantastical portrayal of everything the festival is about. Hailing from Port Augusta, the Arabana and Kokatha visual artist is both the youngest and first Aboriginal Adelaide Fringe poster artist.
The official 2022 Fringe poster has been revealed as A Whimsical World by artist Mali Isabel, an emerging 22-year-old Arabana and Kokatha woman who is not only the youngest winner but the first ATSI artist in the festival’s 62-year history!
As Fortress Australia pulls the drawbridge even higher and rolling lockdowns continue to thwart family reunions, holidays and any sense of normalcy for our tourism industry, we ve all become very familiar with our own backyards.
My own world has shrunk to a perimeter of a couple of kilometres this past week or two – or, more specifically, about 6000 steps around Sydney s picturesque Rushcutters Bay harbourside park, my daily walk. As holding pens go, it isn t bad.
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But doing this walk repeatedly for the 18 months that I ve lived here, I realise I know very little about the history of the land I step on. I ve wondered how the bay got its name, but beyond that, I ve often thought about the First Peoples who lived there and what life must have been like for them before European invasion; a bountiful place, jumping with fish, framed by rolling hills covered in bio-diverse bushland and edged with sandstone caves for shelter.
Growing colony of fruit bats causing more power outages in Adelaide
WedWednesday 24
Increasing numbers of grey-headed flying foxes are causing problems for Adelaide s power network.
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Key points:
Grey-headed flying foxes have caused about 25 power outages in recent weeks
SA Power Networks said it s working to find a solution to the problem, but none has been found so far
It says the colony has rebounded in recent times after being decimated by heatwaves in recent years
The number of flying foxes has declined in recent years amid searing heatwaves, but SA Power Networks spokesman Paul Roberts said numbers have rebounded to about 20,000.
Bachelorette winner shapes up for 100km run Pete Mann is heading up to the Adelaide Hills wine region this week on a fundraising mission. Thing is, he’s doing it on foot.
Celebrity by Cameron England
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Subscriber only Most people doing an Adelaide Hills wine tour tend to opt for a car or a bus, but Bachelorette winner and entrepreneur Pete Mann is doing it the hard way, with a 100km run lined up for this Friday. The business owner and keen outdoors man says smashing out training runs in the backyard of the Bachelorette mansion wasn t ideal, but he was determined to knock off a personal goal while also helping out wineries which were affected by last year s devastating bushfires.