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Transcripts for KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240604 23:25:00

(man) what if f my type 2 2 diabets takes ovover? (woman) whwhat if all l i do isn t en? it s notot fast foodod, bubut it s soooooo good. or what t if i can do diabetetes differenently? (avovo) now w you can wiwith once-wewy momounjaro. mounjaroro helps youour body reregulate blolood sugar,, and mounjajaro can helelp decre how mumuch food yoyou eat. 3 ouout of 4 peoeople reachehedc of less ththan 7%. plus p people takiking mounjao lostst up to 25 5 pounds. mounjajaro is not t for peoplelh tytype 1 diabebetes or chihildr. dodon t takeke mounjaro,o, if e allelergic to itit, you oror your famimily have medullarary thyroid d cancer, or multitiple endocrcrine neopla syndndrome type e 2. stop m mounjaro, a and call yor doctctor right a away, if yoyoe an allerergic reactition, a lumr swelelling in yoyour neck, s see stomacach pain, vivision chang, oror diabetic c retinopaththy. seserious sidede effects m y includude pancreatatitis and gagallbladder r problems. tataking mounjnjaro with su

Transcripts for KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240604 23:24:00

plus p people takiking mounjao lostst up to 25 5 pounds. mounjajaro is not t for peoplelh tytype 1 diabebetes or chihildr. dodon t takeke mounjaro,o, if e allelergic to itit, you oror your famimily have medullarary thyroid d cancer, or multitiple endocrcrine neopla syndndrome type e 2. stop m mounjaro, a and call yor doctctor right a away, if yoyoe an allerergic reactition, a lumr swelelling in yoyour neck, s see stomacach pain, vivision chang, oror diabetic c retinopaththy. seserious sidede effects m y includude pancreatatitis and gagallbladder r problems. tataking mounjnjaro with sulfonylylurea or ininsulin ras low blblood sugar r risk. tell y your doctoror if you e nursrsing, pregngnant, or plalan to be. side effffects inclulude naus, vomititing, and didiarrhea whicich can caususe dehydratatid may worsenen kidney prproblems. (womoman) i i can do diaiabetes diffffery with mouounjaro. (avo) ask your d doctor abouout oncece-weekly momounjaro. dove i invited womomen who wand theieir dam

Transcripts for KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240604 23:19:00

by helping you create a comprehensive wealth plan, with the right balance of risk and reward. doors were meant to be opened. (man) what if f my type 2 2 diabets takes ovover? (woman)th the right balance whwhat if all l i do isn t en? or what t if i can do diabetetes differenently? (avovo) now w you can wiwith once-wewy momounjaro. mounjaroro helps youour body reregulate blolood sugar,, and mounjajaro can helelp decre how mumuch food yoyou eat. 3 ouout of 4 peoeople reachehedc of less ththan 7%. plus p people takiking mounjao lostst up to 25 5 pounds. mounjajaro is not t for peoplelh tytype 1 diabebetes or chihildr. dodon t takeke mounjaro,o, if e allelergic to itit, you oror your famimily have medullarary thyroid d cancer, or multitiple endocrcrine neopla syndndrome type e 2. stop m mounjaro, a and call yor doctctor right a away, if yoyoe an allerergic reactition, a lumr swelelling in yoyour neck, s see stomacach pain, vivision chang, oror diabetic c retinopaththy.

Transcripts for KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240604 23:15:00

once a mononth. kekesimpta wasas proven susupr atat reducingg the ratete of relapspses active lesesions and slslowing disasability prprogression n vs aubagioi. don t take kesimptpta ifif you have e hepatitis sb anand tell youour doctor if youou have had d it, as it cocould come b back. kekesimpta canan cause serers siside effectsts, inincluding ininfections.. whilile no caseses of pml were r reported inin rms clininical trialals, itit could hapappen. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoud or plan n to have vavaccines, or if f you are oror plan to becomome pregnantnt. kesimptata may causese a decree inin some typepes of antibibo. ththe most common s side effectcts are upper respspiratory trtract infection,n, headache,e, and injectction reactitions. asask your dococtor aboutt treatingng rms with h kesimpt. for pepeople who a are a litte intetense about t hydration. neutrogegena® hydydro boost lightweight. fragrancnce-free. 48-houour hydratioion. for r that healtlthy skin glg. neutrogenana®. fo

Transcripts for KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20240604 23:20:00

bubut no matteter what typypf sesevere asthmhma you haveve. ...tezspire e can help.. tezszspire is anan add-on trtret for peoplele 12 and ovover. ...that proaoactively rereds inflammatition. .w.which meansns you couldlde fewer attatacks, breaeathe betterer, and relil yoyour asthma a symptoms.. so y you can be e you, whoevevu are. tezspipire is not t a rescue medicationon. dodon t takeke tezspire e if e allelergic to itit. allergrgic reactioions may occcd cacan be serioious. rash o or eye allelergy can hah. don n t stop y your asthmaa treatmtments unleless your dodoctor tellsls . tetell your dodoctor if yoyou a parasititic infectioion or youour asthma w worsens. sorere throat, j joint and b ban may occur.r. avavoid live v vaccines. by h helping conontrol your r a, tetezspire canan help you u be. nono matter whwho you are,, ask k your asthmhma specialilist tezspire t today.

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