cooler, fog in the mid-60s, and regan national, 73. easten this morning, hello, eastern shore. i can not wait for the corn from the eastern shore, 72 degrees. we like it sweet, thank you, howard. hello, everybody. kicking off the 6:00 hour now with the yellow light. we have the problem in silverspring, maryland. we will take you there. southbound new hampshire avenue at lockwood drive. a couple of lanes getting by to the right, and it looks like things are backing up here. more volume approaching the scene. over to the maps, checking on the beltway north of the district. 95 over to 270, appearing that everyone is moving at a pretty good pace and doing just fine as well. back over to the map. 270, drivers tracking the southbound trip as usual. notice the yellow on the screen. outside, we are noticing through the cameras, things are slowing down around the urbana area to 109. overall, doing okay, fast hurley to the lane divide. as for the travel time, 66. headed eastbound to