In Farmington: Father Thom to be deployed in March
By Stephanie Piro
FARMINGTON - The Christmas lights have been turned off downtown. Thank you to the Farmington Preservation and Improvement Organization for keeping them on extra long in honor of health care workers. Hopefully, we’ll be seeing the spring banners fluttering from poles around town before too long! Also, you can help the Audubon Society by tracking the winter birds at your feeders. We have had those red-breasted nuthatches at ours.
Chaplain deployment
The Rev. Thomas Duston of Saint Peter’s Catholic Church is also a Catholic chaplain in the Air National Guard, and will be deploying in a couple of months, joining over 100 other airmen from Pease in this year’s deployment. He’ll prepare for this over the next month, and then depart some time in March for the seven-month deployment. The bishop will be sending a priest to the parishes he serves while he is away. Father Thom will be giving each parish a Blue S