baggage we ve talked about for the last few weeks, he had enough baggage to nearly lose a statewide race where there s no issues of who are you going to appoint a supreme court justice to decide roe versus wade? it s not attached to any of that. u7รง huge liability for the republicans in 2012 before all of this.0dz again, we have in an exit poll finding, which party do you want controlling the senate? they say republicans. moore s hoping people vote for the party, not the person. one more follow-up require think it s word noting as well. you talk about roy moore and what makes this the race so hard to figure out. roy moore as singular figure. he wins that race, goes back to the state supreme court, he s been removed once for disobeying federal law. he will then end up removed again, right? so even when he jumps into this primary and before&hx:t the washington post story in which a 14-year-old says he picked her up outside a custody hearing and molested her. before that, after that