For the first time in history, Date Night China is combining forces with monthly variety show Jing & Tonic to bring you a special game show-themed event featuring recreations of popular game shows like Blind Date, Stars in their Eyes, and Countdown. Expect audience participation, games, live music, and lots of laughter and merriment! Find out more and purchase tickets here.
RMB 200, RMB 160 (advance). 9pm. Xian Bar
For the first time, CandleX is hosting a dog event where you get the chance to bring your fluffy family out to socialize and share stories. Chill at two bars (with outdoor sections) in the Sanlitun area and enjoy drinks and snacks. If you have a story about your dog, you ll be invited to share it in an open mic style of four minutes each. You are also encouraged to bring a (clean and in good condition!) toy that your dog has gotten bored with for a fun exchange event. Places limited to 30 – sign up via the QR code in the event listing.
Jingkids 2021-2022 School Choice Guide Is Out! Feb 26, 2021 4:30 pm | 2 comments | 211 reads
I have vivid memories of marking up the School Choice Guide back in 2018, cross-referencing disciplines and school visions against the map of the vast city I was soon to call my own. We couldn’t have foreseen the trials that our community would overcome last year, or how schools would band together across time zones and inside our various living spaces to make e-learning valuable for students. Our challenges continue. But we are stronger together.
On our campuses, administrations worked more closely with security, operations, custodial, and medical staff than ever before. The different protocols that had to be created and followed so that everyone’s dream of reopening schools could manifest were awesome in the strict definition of the word: “extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear.”
TGIF: Hiking Getaway, Temple Yoga, Photography Workshop Feb 19, 2021 8:30 am | 2 comments | 240 reads
The weekend is here! Time for fun, relaxation, and recharging the ol batteries ahead of gulp Monday morning s alarm clock. Luckily enough, there’s plenty of fun stuff to keep you occupied over the weekend that doesn t necessarily involve getting blitzed. Our weekend roundup offers you some of the best.
Pack your rucksack and join China Culture Plus on a hike through mountains and hills along historic roads and paths that wind through ancient villages. Spend a peaceful night in a modern guesthouse, awaking to the rooster’s call instead of the sounds of city life.
Kapital Koopas: Send Your Kids The Mario-themed Hongbao This Spring Festival, Then Send Them to E-Sport Bootcamp Jan 27, 2021 8:30 am | 1 comment | 173 reads
Press F to pay respects to all the fallen goombas. It s time for a deep dive into China s gaming culture in our column, Kapital Koopas.
Mario-themed hongbao on Wechat
For many people living and working in Beijing, this coming Spring Festival may not be able to serve one of the holiday s most important purposes, the reunion of family, due to the pandemic situation and travel restrictions that have resulted from it. However, that doesn’t mean that those with kids in their lives will be spared from the traditional giving out of
Ten Essential Dishes You Must Eat in Beijing Jan 22, 2021 8:30 am | 1 comment | 6988 reads
Forget the Forbidden City, food is our favorite Beijing attraction. And with travel off the cards for the time being, there is no better time to sample the best of what the city has to offer, even from the comfort of your own home (we ve given delivery options where possible).
With a whole A to Z of restaurants and dishes around every corner in Beijing, it can be hard to know where to start so we have done the hard work for you and narrowed it down to a top ten list of what we feel are essential dishes (at all sorts of price points, too).