moments later two, kansas city chiefs took a seat for the national anthem. everyone on the washington redskins stood for the national anthem. we are being told everyone stood for the moment of silence. brian: america in mourning today after the senseless shooting deaths of 59 people. they lost their lives. over 500 wounded. it didn t take long for many on the left to go after the second amendment. they think the problems with gun control. ainsley: hillary clinton was tweeting our grief isn t enough. we can and must put politics aside, stand up to the nra and work together to try to stop this from happening again. brian: in his years on the supreme court, justifiable antonin scalia fought to to protect second amendment writes. author of the book scalia speaks. you got to get it welcome to the couch. thank you very much. good to be here. brian: second amendment under attack. i m surprise surprise sure it