but that s a 1% ago. that s how long we really see you in the monitor because it s like one hundred lightsig blaric into my okay well looking good.w well we ll pick it up where you left off. all right, i ll try.ra i m laura ingram . this is the ingraham angle t from washington tonight. in moments we re going toen spek to one of donald trump s attorneyson about that ongoing battle over the release of the affidavit. but for now, since august 8th, the day the rate of mara lago,e the angle has been e veryf clear to at least half of the country. this investigation appears to be tainted by politics. now the belief isn t grounded t in some knee dislike of the rank and file fbi. but in recent history, specifically the crusade waged by the deep state the against donald trump froman 2015 onwardt a two tiered systemie of justic. one standard for hunterno and hillary, another for donaldh trump. now fast forward to present day when the feds hunt for donald trump took another turn. us ma
what they claim was some big concern about this, what they understood to be secure, a secure area such that it would necessitate eight this nine hour raid of mar a lago? i have no idea why they were particularly concerned about it. they had come out of the department of justice and the fbi had come out and seen it firsthand. they ve seen it in personrsnre and they knew exactly what it was and where it was and how it was secureded. and so the idea that they needed to raid it to see it again after president trump himself had told them that, yout know, you ree welcome to come back if you feel b the need to come back . soso i think that sa a bit disingenuous. ef i thinkti it s typical of leftit media to come up with someme salacious story that doesn tg really make a lot of sense.. itwo kind of leaves people scratching their head wondering what s going on , hopefully hoping that it ll just move past it. was it was there a limited number of people who had accesso to thatom storage room? it s