throughout the weeks ofjf trying ú to defend the president from various scandals.> ixd think jay carney isjf injf a tough position. he works for a president that best you can say heq is unacquainted with the truth.>i í0e carney is in a position where he has had to goeir out and said things that aresw4 ìc% false with great knew about the irsñm investigation underway,t( wet( learned thate1 wasn t true. there arexd two possibilities here. have the kind of access that ar; ÷ok press secretary >0m to really know what is going on. that he is out therexd saying things that aren t truefá and thatg/7añ things are not untrue. the honorable atumç this point is resign.qp4jdtq r#v9 u don t have theññ access you need and yourt(
paid liar, he is still making up thingsçó about what happens and calling this local rogue. weñi called you a liarçó forá the administration 3w i heard that, that is amazing. i m not going to get intook a back and forthí)6qñ with chairma,] issa. sean: that was jayk1÷jf carney respondingñk3 toñr issa s latest comments about being açó paid liar. açó paid liar. açó paid liar. ú to defend the president from various scandals.> ixd think jay carney isjf inf a tough position. he works for a president that best you can say heq is unacquainted with the truth.i>i í0e carney is in a position where he has had to goeir out ìc%