Shares of Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG (ETR:O2D – Get Rating) have earned an average recommendation of “Sell” from the twelve research firms that are currently covering the firm, Marketbeat reports. Two research analysts have rated the stock with a sell recommendation and one has given a hold recommendation to the company. The average 12-month target […]
Telefónica s grey-spot sharing agreements with Vodafone and DT cover 1,200 sites. (Getty Images)
Telefónica Deutschland signed respective agreements with Vodafone and Deutsche Telekom for active network sharing across several hundreds of sites to deliver 4G coverage to customers Germany in areas where only one provider has service.
The German operators had already teamed up in 2019 to build out coverage in unserved “white spot” areas with an infrastructure sharing agreement for roughly 6,000 new sites. Tuesday’s announcement involves a different sharing set-up, where the partners grant each other mutual network access at certain locations where the other doesn’t have infrastructure. At those sites, 4G LTE service will be offered in the 800 MHz band.