which brings us to tonight s episode of questions for donald trump. since bill clinton answered a question about using marijuana in 1992 presidential candidates have been asked about their use of illegal drugs on the campaign trail. the only answer george w. bush gave is when i was young and irresponsible, i was young and irresponsible. jeb bush said more than his brother. he said, i drank alcohol and smoked marijuana when i was at anover. it was pretty common. ted cruz admitted he used marijuana when he was young and of course president obama wrote about his drug use in school and college in his memoir before he became president. ed watkins tweeted, question for trump, have you cocaine, other drugs? keep your questions for trump coming. maybe your question will find its way in to the next
ed watkins tweeted, question for trump, have you cocaine, other drugs? keep your questions for trump coming. maybe your question will find its way in to the next presidential debate. ing machines but it took forever turns out it wasn t the machine, it was our detergent. so we switched to tide turbo clean and now we get way cleaner clothes way faster make a mess make a mess make a mess, make a mess make a big mess your first words save time with tide he turbo clean. it s quick collapsing suds reduce rinse time and don t overwhelm your machine so you get 6x the cleaning power in 1/2 the time. tide america s #1 detergent
work. violence makes it urgent. how do you move that to a place you can get it without the violence? then we can have real change. that was d. watkins, a provocative op-ed. the truth is the frustration he is expressing the distrust this is real. this is real for not just people in baltimore but for people, many people in many communities, especially communities of color around this country. that s what law enforcement needs to be at the tip of the spear of their own reformation. one, this situation is making them less safe. the second thing, they are not able to recruit. specifically specifically recruit in communities they need people. it s about human intelligence. when i was a pairratrooper, we relied on human intelligence. if people don t trust you, they
work. violence makes it urgent. how do you move that to a place you can get it without the violence? then we can have real change. that was d. watkins, a provocative op-ed. the truth is the frustration he is expressing the distrust this is real. this is real for not just people in baltimore but for people, many people in many communities, especially communities of color around this country. that s what law enforcement needs to be at the tip of the spear of their own reformation. one, this situation is making them less safe. the second thing, they are not able to recruit. specifically specifically recruit in communities they need people. it s about human intelligence. when i was a pairratrooper, we relied on human intelligence.
distrust is not a new thing. it s been going on forever. everyone i know has been dealing with police brutality. the police officers in baltimore don t live in baltimore. their first experience with a black person is when they get a license to kill. everyone should be upset. everyone knows what s going on. they can see it. i can t breathe! we do need peaceful protests and the clergymen to step up. violence brings about a different result. when they attack these stores, the people with money start paying attention. the violence doesn t always work. violence makes it urgent. how do you move that to a place you can get it without the violence? then we can have real change. that was d. watkins, a provocative op-ed. making the argument that i don t want to say justifying the riots, but rationalizing them. he is a truth offriend of mine. the truth is the frustration he