congresswoman, she is a mr. president, get to the table is man. take to them face-to-face direct. is that possible? that is definitely possible. think we are seeing that sort of from secretary of state rex tillerson. there is definitely hoping to go the diplomatic route. but the president repeatedly has tweeted talks don t work, take basically not off the table. so those things are people in hawaii, they might be a little scarier there saying please, just talk to him! it really depends on the day and had kim jong-un and how president trump are feeling. but i do think there are behind the scenes attempts to do the diplomatic conversational route. the diplomatic conversational route, one can argue why the president is frustrated by that route. because of the fact that kim jong-un continues to flaunt his aggression in the face of the western allies in the face of japan and in the face of even china for that matter.
doing. it will reveal itself and i m confident that our constitutional form of government can overcome any sort of deficiency, whether it s a serious problem with the president s mental state or just bad decisions that he makes because he makes bad decisions. i m hopeful that we can focus on the work that we ought to be doing and not be drawn into a whole lot of discussions around the town that are interesting here in washington but don t address the real serious problems we face in this country. we do know some parts of this wolff book are fought true. do you think the president has been given a fair shake? here s the thing. i don t think folks ought to judge the president based on the contents of this book. i don t think that s fair. i think we can judge the president based on what we know he says and does on the record or in meetings where we can witness his behavior. honestly for me that s enough to
that the president is trying to interfere with the separation of powers and the independent judiciary is a core part of our democracy. we know that russia is trying to under mine that democracy. so every single time we see the president or a thread about the administration, trying to interfere in the investigation or gather dirt on comey, all that s doing is making the russian s job easier so the best case scenario is that the department of justice continues to function without interference from the white house and the special counsel continues to do its work. thank you all very much. i really appreciate it. still ahead here in the newsroom as headlines swirl about this new book of president trump and the white house the republican agenda waits. how fire and fury is overshadowing everything from data to infrastructure. plus, secretary of state rex tillerson telling cnn in a tv exclusive what he thinks of the president s competence as commander-in-chief and laider
president s tweet on the nuclear button. but you know now north korea is talking with south korea. do you think that tough rhetoric has worked here? i this i the rhetoric that north korea understands is while it is our objective and the president has been very clear to achieve a de-nuclearization through diplomatic efforts, those diplomatic efforts are backed by a strong military option, if necessary. that is not the first choice and the president has been clear that s not his first choice. but it is important that north koreans as well as other regional players understand how high the stakes are in an effort to ensure our diplomatic efforts are fully supported. i think to date, the diplomatic efforts have been supported very well in the international community. so it sounds like this good cop, bad cop, if you will, holds out the prospect of talks, but if talks don t work, military action, that might be the formula that you and the president will continue? i m going to let you
down. if they actually want to do the work, look even if the president wants to talk about infrastructure, like water infrastructure, you know where to find me, mr. mr. president. maybe you should call. they should talk to us and not wait until the last minute when their own failure creates the potential of a government shutdown then all of a sudden the democrats are supposed to come to the rescue? they really have some explaining to do when they leemp us out of all these conversations and then ask us to save them from themselves. we understand there is supposed to be a bipartisan meeting with the president i believe it s on tuesday, if i recall correctly. congressman, thank you for your time this weekend. we appreciate it. thank you, ana. coming up, new revelations at the man that killed 58 people at a las vegas concert. the pand lay owner says he was no stranger to the hotel employees. you are live in the cnn newsroom.