A late fifth century CE Greek inscription, Christ born of Mary, recently found in the village of et-Taiyiba (Taibe) in the Jezreel Valley. | Tzachi Lang/Israel Antiquities Authority
Archaeologists have discovered an Ancient Greek inscription bearing the phrase “Christ, born of Mary” in northern Israel the first evidence of an early Christian settlement from 1,500 years ago in Taibe, located in the Jezreel Valley.
The Israel Antiquities Authority announced Wednesday that archaeologists discovered the inscription on a wall of a late-Byzantine era structure during excavations in Taibe. According to researchers, the inscription had originally been laid at the entryway of a previously unknown fifth century church.
Amanda Borschel-Dan is The Times of Israel s Jewish World and Archaeology editor.
A late 5th century CE Greek inscription, Christ born of Mary, recently found in the village of et-Taiyiba (Taibe) in the Jezreel Valley. (Tzachi Lang/Israel Antiquities Authority)
A Islamic period building in which a late 5th century CE Greek inscription, Christ born of Mary, was found in secondary use, excavated in the village of et-Taiyiba (Taybeh) in the Jezreel Valley. (Tzachi Lang/Israel Antiquities Authority)
Students from the Hanaton pre-military preparatory program work on the excavation of an Islamic period building in which a late 5th century CE Greek inscription, Christ born of Mary, was found in secondary use, in the village of et-Taiyiba (Taybeh) in the Jezreel Valley. (Einat Ambar-Armon/Israel Antiquities Authority)