why would he give an assurance he wasn t under investigation if there was nothing to investigate. the elephant in the room is also jeff sessions. was he also involved in any attempt to obstruct justice if he had a part in trying to shut down this investigation? he cannot be forgotten. i know he s probably thinking he s in a safe place right now. had s not. we re going to find out what was the date he chose to investigate. i bet it will be a coincidence you mentioned as well. it s all a coincidence. have you guys seen the new yorker cover? with jeff sessions dragging comey off the plane? thank you all. when we come back, more from the president s first interview since firing of james comey. it seems the two have very different views on how the white house dinner went down. and now the brand new samsung galaxy s8 is here. so what are you waiting for? hurry in to t-moile today.
up my campaign so that investigators can put this behind us quickly and we can move on and get on with the business of the country. he has done exactly the opposite. just as nixon did exactly the opposite and chosen to impede rather to be open, transparent, forthcoming and helpful to the investigators. carl, david, thank you very much. more ahead. i will talk to jim himes about the firing of comey and what comes next for his committee. we will be right back. only t-mobile gives you 2 lines of unlimited data for 100. all in. taxes and feas included. that ll save you hundreds. and now the brand new samsung galaxy s8 is here. so what are you waiting for? hurry in to t-moile today.
i was talking to democratics today describing this as christmas in may. yeah. a lot of it for the sake of a win. we ll discuss that throughout this broadcast. thank you. i appreciate it. when we come back, can the republican health care plan get through the senate? a prominent democratic senator tells me what they thinks. yes, i m a bill sitting here on capitol hill it s a long journey to the capital city it s a long, long wait but i know i ll be a law some day at least i hope and pray that i will but today i am still just a bill all in.100. taxes and feas included. that ll save you hundreds. and now the brand new samsung galaxy s8 is here. so what are you waiting for? hurry in to t-moile today.
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reporter: now, there is some anger at this president, probably not the kind he was thinking there on the campaign trail. but as for all of the promises of winning, jake, by my count he has more than 1300 days left to still deliver on those. at a minimum. jeff zeleny, thank you so much. he visited a golf course 19 times since being sworn into the oval office, but president trump says that s not what he he s not relaxing on the course. stay with us. that ll save you hundreds. and now the brand new samsung galaxy s8 is here. so what are you waiting for? hurry in to t-moile today. it s a mosaic of all the faces before it. only true match has l oreal s technology to match your skin s unique tone and undertone. 100% guaranteed. there s only one true match for me. and it s perfect. from l oreal. theseare heading back home.y oil thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because it s tough on grease yet gentle.