it s a shame he couldn t have gone out on a win and continued a little longer, but well, if he d gone out on a win, maybe they d win the world series. maybe. what an amazing career. and we salute bobby cox. absolutely. schools in cambridge, massachusetts, voted unanimously to close their schools for one muslim holiday every year beginning next year. the vice chairman of the cambridge school committee says that christians and jews each have a holiday and it s only right to do the same for the muslim community. also requested a designated prayer area and have been granted use of the dean s office. well, coming up, new trouble in the housing market. major banks are freezing foreclosure sales amid signs people are being wrongly evicted from their homes. allan chernoff coming right up with an amazing story. [ male announcer ] sometimes after surgery straining should be avoided.
conversation. john is going to leave us. he ll be back later in the program. when we come back, we ll put to the test governor manchin what he said about president obama now and then. [ male announcer ] sometimes after surgery straining should be avoided.
question? well, largely because of what donna s saying, this is about him. we re all trying to make this about sarah palin, but he s the one running. erick, do you think it was wise of todd palin to send that e-mail? you know, i m not going to speak for todd palin no, i m asking you, though. i wouldn t have sent it, but he and joe miller are good friends. they ve got a long relationship. why didn t he call him, erick, and just say, we need to have a man to man conversation. this is the ridiculousness of why don t we call as opposed to sending e-mails. i think that may be a lesson learned. in the age of twitter and facebook, if you have a message you don t want some campaign staffer to leak on you, use the phone. but sharron angle just found out, some conversations are recorded whether you know it or not. a quick time-out on this one. coming up, we shift to hillary clinton. what does a national football league trade have to do with secretary clinton s political futur
the new mr. las vegas. george wallace catch your breath. right after this. let me get you some water. [ male announcer ] sometimes after surgery straining should be avoided. colace capsules stool softener helps ease straining to make going easier. try colace capsules for effective comfortable relief from occasional constipation. find the relief that s right for you
he had a problem with that as well. did anyone at borders say what the heck are you doing, mr. lee, and start arguing with him? there were discussions, yes. there were a lot of people that said he s just crazy and blew it off. certainly seems crazy. he has been arrested before outside discovery, right? didn t he protest there? reporter: yeah. he had a protest, anderson. it was quite strange for police. they say that lee was throwing thousands of dollars of cash into the air and it created quite a bit of a ruckus and they charged him with disorderly conduct and he was ordered to stay away from that discovery communications building. anderson? unbelievable. amber lyon, appreciate the reporting. keeping them honest, the group focused on the family, say that a push for anti-bullying policies is a push for pro gay agenda in schools. new efforts to make a hole underground feel more like home. [ male announcer ] sometimes after surgery straining should be avoided.