Power starts right now. Enjoy that. static Static Continues Car Engine Humming intense wind its such a such a sort of, satisfying thing, i guess, to be in power. And they usually, the great persons usually told you to do. If you looked around, they werent there when the showdown came. Whistle Blowing [officer] go home or go to your church, this march will not continue. [ella] what i do, [officer] see that they disperse. [ella] is supposed to speak louder than what i say. Marching Footfalls siren sound screaming Whistle Blowing screaming Horns Honking Hooves Beating On Pavement drum sounds siren drum sounds screaming Overlapping Shouting shouting continues [speaker] last sunday, a group of Negro Americans in selma, alabama attempted peacefully to protest the denial of the most basic political right of all. The right to vote. People have to have faith in themselves and they can only gain that faith by being given the opportunity to grow. And when people value what they can do, they dont
president biden and if they do not they are not honest with themselves. harris: yesterday my tweet was in realtime watching her and others pointed out why isn t harris faulkner in that room. i m in my office in new york, i can see from here something migrated in her answers. sure have. harris: coming up issue the alabama woman who claimed she was kidnapped is kind of coming clean. she wouldn t show up for police, sent her attorney to read a statement. the truth, wow, that is next.
they canvassing all the time, day and night. - [carl] we don t anticipate any of em being elected on november the eighth. not any that are running i don t think would are qualified to hold office for which they seek. - [john hulett] they don t have the experience because this is their first opportunity to be running for public office, but the job in which they re running for, they ve had several workshops and they re studying, they re keeping it up. i feel like if these people are elected, that they would be able to go into the office and do as decent a job as anybody who has ever, here in this county. - you tell these people, just what i ve been telling them right here. hadn t we been your friends for years? - yes sir. sure. - had we worked more of them than anybody in this country? - yeah, sir. sure have. - right. so, if you got in trouble. who did you go to? the white or the black? (laughing) - tell the truth now. - all right. - (laughing) (person heckling indistinctly)
protect him. pete, talk about the legal risks for some of these former aides if they do follow this apparent directive? i think kyle is basically right. i think i would put it a little differently saying the extent to what a president can extend executive privilege is still a bit unclear. the supreme court said former presidents do have some authority but only as it pertains to their responsibilities in of course, the decisions and policies they make so about, you know, arguments about the election i think it would be hard to say that we ve been down this road before. sure have. congress can charge them with contempt and almost never
the wisconsin assembly passing a bill this week that would effectively ban schools from teaching critical race theory. the bill doesn t mention critical race theory by name, but the authors of the bill sure have. one co-author saying that crt is, quote, the opposite of mlk jr. s dream. another co-author saying the measure would ban not only crt but terms and concepts like anti-racism, cultural awareness, diversity training, intersectionality, structural racism, woke, and as the list is scrolling, it goes on. joining me now, wisconsin attorney general josh call. yeah, banning stuff. i thought anyway, i ll get into that. mr. attorney general, thank you so much for joining us. i appreciate it. so let s take a look at the bill. one part reads that it would prohibit teaching students, quote, that an individual by virtue of the individual s race or sex bears responsibility for