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president ever has which is securing a second term, bringing in people who understand the political reality of what s about to transpire on capitol hill with the subpoena cannon that the democrats are going to use against this white house and understanding what that means from a political side is very important. ed: corey, you have a bit of an axe to grind, deponent you? you and john kelly never got along and you nearly came to blows in the west wing; correct? well, the reason john and i don t get along is the manager of let trump be trump the most successful candidate in modern history whether it s real estate books, and now politics, should be one we embrace, not fight back on. you can t change the way the president operates. i believe the president is best when he s out talking directly to the american people. and when people come into the administration and try and change his policies as a detriment or allow people to work in the government who don t support the president s age
they are going to find a friend in donald trump because he wants what s best for america he is willing. willingbrian you are a conservative and you just told him to cut a deal with democrats. you are okay with that? look, ronald are a reagan did it with tipp o neal. steve: george herbert walker bush did it. george bush did it look, you have to do that as president. you have to take 70 or 80% of our loaf, in essence and then we can argue and debate that s 20% later. ainsley: compromise. the art of the deal, right? that s what this president is so good at. i will just end on this with that thought is the new congress coming in with an investigation after investigation after investigation is going to be out of control and unless nancy pelosi can get control over her caucus which i don t think she can. this president is not going to open to much surprise under their subpoena cannon which is their words. you will see democrats just want to impeach this president and investigate him at
corruption around the president we saw another high ranking democrat on the senate intelligence committee mark warner of virginia talking about the pattern of trump allies caught not telling the truth and pleading guilty to various charges and even senator dianne feinstein who s a prominent democrat from california talking about how this all raises very serious questions about what else trump knew what else trump was involved in there really seems like the democrats are well as has been rumored or really sort of. arming a can in full of pina s that they re getting ready to fire at the white house come january that s that s good a subpoena cannon the democrats saying that michael cohen may not have been the only person lawyer who in the world are they talking about. it s difficult to peer into a robert muller s crystal ball here but one of we do know that one of the events that has been a main focus of this investigation has been this legendary trump tower meeting that
hearing is held. next year, will have 53 republican senators in place, rick scott was with us today participating in our policy lunch, so we will have more breathing room, if you will, to make sure we get that confirmation done, so i would expect there is going to be a fully confirmed attorney general working on behalf of the united states. may talk about the position of nancy pelosi. she is going to be coming in, perhaps as a speaker, perhaps not, depending on how the election goes in the house. i think democrats are going to have to decide in the house if they want to legislate, work together, to form legislation that actually moves the country forward, or if they want to spend all of their time investigating. shannon: you know they are going to say subpoenas that are going to knock down this administration. shannon: a subpoena cannon, hotdogs and t-shirts getting shot out at baseball and basque ball games on stuff paired with their going to say, that is what the house has be