As he was sitting in his hotel room in Killeen, actor Carl Kennedy received an audition from his agent. Instead of holding on to it for himself, he used the
that is bill: interesting. it is not alleged as a crime. it doesn t have to be proven at trial. just write something, scribble something on the wall of a bathroom, accusing somebody of something. there is no opportunity to read about that because it is not charged as a crime. it is the storytelling part of this. it is just storytelling. bill: stone has been saying for two years that he is likely to be indicted. why does it take to you and a half years to get to this point? how come? well, there may have been a sealed indictment for a while. we don t know the answer to that question. they were probably trying to build up the case. they didn t want one counselor to count, they wanted seven counts. so it takes some time to do that. maybe they want to negotiate behind the scenes. we don t know that. there is no evidence of that, but that sometimes happens when negotiations break down, so the indictment comes forward. bill: thank you, sir. they are working very hard at this in