jason: welcome back to hannity special. while the radical left focuses on impeaching the president, a real political scandal is back in the spotlight. the state department has completed its internal investigation into former secretary of state hillary clinton s use of a private email server. an investigation that started when i was a chairman back in 2016. our own catherine herridge has the latest. catherine? jason, late today the state department delivered this 9-page report to republican senator chuck grassley confirming its investigation into the mishandling of classified information on hillary clinton s personal email server for government business was complete. the state department review found the 38 people were responsible for 91 security violations and protocols for safeguarding classified materials were violated another 497 times.
jason: welcome back to this hannity special, the left impeachment hysteria. while the radical left focus on impeaching the president, a real political scandal is back in the spotlight. the state department hasil completed its internal investigation into former secretary of state hillary clinton s use of a private emailar server. an investigation started when i was a chairman back in 2016. our own catherine herridge has the latest. the state department delivered this nine page report republican assenator chuck grassley confirming the investigation into the mishandling of classified information on hillary clinton s personal email server for government business was complete. the state department review found 38 people were responsible for 91 security violations and protocols for safeguarding
jason: welcome back to hannity special. while the radical left focuses on impeaching the president, a real political scandal is back in the spotlight. the state department has completed its internal investigation into former secretary of state hillary clinton s use of a private email server. an investigation that started when i was a chairman back in 2016. our own catherine herridge has the latest. catherine? jason, late today the state department delivered this 9-page report to republican senator chuck grassley confirming its investigation into the mishandling of classified information on hillary clinton s personal email server for government business was complete. the state department review found the 38 people were responsible for 91 security violations and protocols for safeguarding classified materials were violated another 497 times.
directly. and there is one more thing there clinton s claims gabbard is being groomed to be a third party spoiler. gabbard already said in august that she would not run as a third party. and we are going to hear from her in about 25 minutes in iowa. bret: we will take it live when if that happens. no word from jill stein and the accusation that she is a russian both as well. right. all she said is now that she wants it a debate with hillary clinton. a debate that she did not get to her liking in 2016 and she blames the dnc. bret: all right, peter. we will follow this. it is hillary clinton friday. learning new information about who is being blamed for the hillary clinton email scandal. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge has details on that tonight. good evening, catherine. thank you, bret. late today the state department delivered 9 page report to republican senator chuck grassley confirmings its investigation into the mislanding ling of classified informat
point, the nasdaq was up 12/3 points. the administration is cutting $200 million in aid to the palestinians at the direction of the president, the decision prompted by a state department review which ensured these reviews were spent in accordance with national interest following a decision to withhold millions from the palestinian refugee agency. charged with illegally voting in the election, the justice department says defendants are from different countries including mexico, the american republic, nigeria and germany. some of those indicted have been accused of filing a false claim of citizenship to register to vote while the others are charged with voting illegally. time for night court. tonight our legal panel, experts will provide all the clarity you