reports. this looks like another appeal proposal. another attempt to raise taxes on the middle class to ray costs on seniors and take away medicaid from millions of americans to stand to gain coverage. reporter: the sponsor of this bill says it gives people rather than the government the power to empower their healthcare choices themselves and provide the states with the authority and money to do so. obviously this is going to a dead ender in the democratically controlled senate. with so many democratic senators and house members feeling the heat perhaps that will change as obamacare continue to evolve. martha: we ll talk to nor john cornyn about that plan. bill: 24 pert of the total enrollment said to be between the age of 13-34. even democrats in the house like
it would slow the growth of cost without the government mandate, taxes and huge spending of obamacare. it s a plan to address the problems that americans want fixed without the big government baggage of obamacare. there is a shift of huge amounts of power to the department of human health and services. they can t dictate wham in everybody s insurance plan. there wouldn t be the hhs mandate. this will be shah decentral sighed approach. standing coverage. slowing costs and frankly allowing americans to decide for themselves what s best for their insurance plan. bill: one of the important tenets of plan is the tax credit. does that go to company and individual it goes to individual, not companies. the individual household would control it. they can use to it buy insurance.
republican conference america think mcmorris rogers. the tea party response given by conspirator mike lee and rand paul of kentucky. we are your place to be. the fox news channel for the state of the union 2014. our coverage begins at 8:55 eastern time. shepard smith is your name on the big fox broadcast network. martha: as the president gets ready to head a capitol hill three presidents are unveiling an alternative healthcare plan to replace obamacare. they are calling it the care act. senator coburn says . if you look at obamacare you have a trillion in taxes, almost
like to band together like big companies and buy their healthcare. a lot of small businesses are negotiate opening their own. if you have 100 employees you can t get quite the deal you can if you have 1,000 employees. if you band together small businesses you can get a better deal. bill: was that done before obamacare? many allowed to some degree. but under this proposal it would be encourages. bill: one of the big rub over this rollout has been the mandates that requires insurance companies to have certain coverage, certain policies for everybody who has that. this would get rid of these man 80s. this would beat obamacare on basically every metric.