The god father was made in a very classical, almost shakespearean style. It was going to be about succession. Like a king who had three sons, and none of the sons had all his talents. [ speaking nonenglish ] michael could be ruthless when he had to be ruthless, but he could be friendly. Nord, he was a complex hero. In other words, he was a complex hero. Were here in the napa valley on a rainy day, to interview Francis Ford Coppola. Now, hes one of the greatest Movie Directors of alltime, without any question. If you google the best movies of all time, the greatest movies of all time, the godfather is number un, number one, usually. But The Godfather 2 is often on that list of top ten and so is Apocalypse Now. So of the 10, 15 greatest movies of alltime, this man has made three of them. I am really interested in talking to him for another reason. When i came to america first, i was in college and i took a class, classics of american cinema. It was in some ways helpful for me, because it
the god father was made in a very classical, almost shakespearean style. it was going to be about succession. like a king who had three sons, and none of the sons had all his talents. [ speaking non-english ] michael could be ruthless when he had to be ruthless, but he could be friendly. nord, he was a complex hero. in other words, he was a complex hero. we re here in the napa valley on a rainy day, to interview francis ford coppola. now, he s one of the greatest movie directors of all-time, without any question. if you google the best movies of all time, the greatest movies of all time, the godfather is number un, number one, usually. but the godfather 2 is often on that list of top ten and so is apocalypse now. so of the 10, 15 greatest movies of all-time, this man has made three of them. i am really interested in talking to him for another reason. when i came to america first, i was in college and i took a class, classics of american cinema. it was in so
in whatsoever. so i would hang out at the theater department and, be a techie. i would do the lights. and i would look down and i would see the teachers directing the kids. and i said, well, i could do that. you know, tell you to stand here, stand there. and, and you get to hofstra and do you then start to realize, uh - when did you fall in love with movies? at hofstra, i started to, uh, direct one-act plays. and my one-act play was the best one that anyone ever had seen a student do. and there was a little theater called the little theater and they said, today only, four o clock we re showing sergei eisenstein s, ten days that shook the world. and i saw this four hour russian movie of eisenstein. it s, it s about the bolshevik revolution. i never saw anything like it. i - i was astounded, because there s no sound, and i hear everything just from the way the film is edited, and when i came out of that, i said, i m not gonna go to the yale drama school, i m gonna go to
Tobias Rothenfluh, Michael Rinderli und Lukas Schnurrenberger (v.l.n.r. hinten) sind die Gründer des neuen Zuger Kurzstrecken-Lieferdienstes, deren E-Bikes man seit dem Frühling an der Seepromenade sehen kann. Manuela Feldmann übernimmt die Auslieferungen bei schönem Wetter.
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Wer kennt die Situation nicht? Man sitzt an der Seepromenade an einem heissen Sommertag mit Freunden. Plötzlich geht das Bier aus oder man bekommt Lust auf eine kühle Glace. Doch beim nahe liegenden Kiosk stehen bereits etliche Personen an und zum nächsten Laden müsste man eine Weile laufen. Was kann man tun, ohne die Stimmung zu dämpfen? Seit diesem Frühling kann man sich Softgetränke, Bier oder Apfelschaumwein und Snacks wie Chips, Nüssli oder Gummibonbons sowie Glaces an der Zuger Seepromenade direkt vor Ort liefern lassen. Nämlich vom Kurzstrecken-Lieferdienst, der mittels App und GPS-Funktion Bestellungen mit einem der akt