social welfare groups and target them is putting into a rule the rule we found out about months ago. they don t do anything about unions, chambers of congress, they don t do anything about charitable groups. they go after these groups. that s just wrong. we need. the irs will go forward, the conservatives won t be able to do that, the unions can have at it, that s no problem whatsoever? unions can go forward, they can do all their get out the vote, voter registration, these groups that have been targeted already, this adds insult to injury. now they re going to put them out of business. let me ask you this, they say, the only reason we re doing this is because we re so confused, that s the only reason we targeted conservatives in the
irs in three months or less. now all of a sudden the irs doesn t seem to be able to process, at least those that belong to conservative groups. that is exactly right. longer wait times and questions that seem to go beyond the scope of what a normal irs investigation of these groups would be in order to assess whether they deserve the tax benefit. again this is an ongoing headache for the obama administration, relationships are not good with capitol hill and will find it very difficult to finalize any kind of sense is reform at this point because at this point republicans have a large stake, they want to protect these groups abilities to not only speak but to spend on an election. with these kind of antidotes coming out of capitol hill committee can be sure this story is not over. jon: and the justice department official supposed to be investigating the issues
tighten up on the social welfare groups can get tax exempt if they are involved with politics. we hear back in 2012, that lois lerner was in the e-mail chain. and he was the irs official involved in the targeting who in a noncorrupt scandal, there is the picture of her. that was the day she refused to testify and took the fifth amendment to protect herself against self incrimination. and one point, when the irs would come up with the now regulation, it was as a response to the scandal. but the e-mail was before the scandal broke. and so the question becomes, why were they looking to tighten the regulations before there was a scandal. one key word is off plan. offering to taking it off line and talk about it in person.
ordinary americans who wanted to exercise their rights to free speech, they said they were squelched by one of the most powerful agencies, the government. that exactly right. you can hear the fear almost in their voices, that tends to poison the well between republicans and president obama. relationships are already at an all-time low, and this isn t going to help as the administration seeks to finalize rules that actually curb the political activity allowed by the social welfare groups. right now we saw this morning congressional republicans and their leaders hope to administration will not finalize these rules because they contend it would continue the targeting by the irs and codify it, in a way. jon: up until about 2010, those 5o1c4, they too big we heard the
from people who say they were targeted from the irs? they are hearing the lawyers representing conservative groups and also several people who founded some of these conservative groups who say they were harassed by the irs. not have any unusual interaction by the federal government until the day they applied for taxes and set is for the operation and here is one woman s personal story. questions about my political aspirations and demands of groups i have spoken with, the content of what i ve said and everywhere i intended to speak. the answer to these questions are not of interest to the typical irs lists, but they are very interest or political machine that would put its own survival against the civil liberties of private citizens. the stars today are people who say they were harassed by exercising their first amendment rights. there was one attorney who said that harassment continues to this day, jenna. jenna: did lawmakers hear from