Auction Calendar: January 15, 2021
Wisconsin State Farmer
Richland Center, WI
11:00 AM – Tom Nee Auction. 27117 State Hwy 14. Tractors and skid steer, forage and farm equipment, cattle and dairy equipment and more! NOTE: Tom sold his good herd of cows 2 years ago and is now selling this nice line of equipment. He is a good caretaker, you can buy with confidence. There are very few small items so be on time and we will have you headed home early. See our website for pictures: - sale conducted by Bill Stade #535, Richland, WI, Mike Stade #607, Watertown, WI, Pete Stade #2836, Jefferson, WI.
communication between the vehicles and the operators is by encoded radio signals. this in twice way up in the dry air explains that the animation of the snow removal trucks has two aspects and first they drive themselves acceleration braking and steering are carried out with a central control unit second another central unit controls the snow removal equipment. it s operated by a person in the lead vehicle what s new here is that the operator in the lead vehicle is not a driver it s still there is no need to steer or break allowing closer supervision of the convoys operation it s kind father son and you go back to new day and be
yet. amanda, thank you very much, glad you are home, it s been a terrible mess for everybody. thank you, amman danchts thank you. okay. let s all go off-the-record for a minute and i won t tell you who, but i got an email today which asked this very simple question: did the people who build design atlanta s snow and ice plan? ouch. being somewhat of a snob, i m from wisconsin, and hearing all the problems in and around atlanta, i figured they must have gotten buried buried in feet and feet of snow, right? 3 feet? 5 feet? no. i did some checking. it wasn t feet. it was inches. and only 2.6 inches. the citizens of atlanta are getting absolutely clobbered, stranded, they are cold, no food. many still aren t home tonight. so where was the local government? how does the local government fail its people like that? when it s only 2.6 inches? i dug a little deeper. i learned that recently atlanta bought all the snow removal equipment, spending
amanda, thank you very much, glad you are home, it s been a terrible mess for everybody. thank you, amman danchts thank you. okay. let s all go off-the-record for a minute and i won t tell you who, but i got an email today which asked this very simple question: did the people who build design atlanta s snow and ice plan? ouch. being somewhat of a snob, i m from wisconsin, and hearing all the problems in and around atlanta, i figured they must have gotten buried buried in feet and feet of snow, right? 3 feet? 5 feet? no. i did some checking. it wasn t feet. it was inches. and only 2.6 inches. the citizens of atlanta are getting absolutely clobbered, stranded, they are cold, no food. many still aren t home tonight. so where was the local government? how does the local government fail its people like that? when it s only 2.6 inches? i dug a little deeper. i learned that recently atlanta bought all the snow removal equipment, spending $2.5 million on it.
they don t have the snow removal equipment. they have 30 salt trucks. wow. in that whole city. which is more than they had in 2011. in 2011 they had a big ice storm there and they only had eight ice trucks. now that s up to 30. with a city that big, 6 million people living in there, you can t unless you start that really early and plan, which didn t fully happen. who would plan it? all these different governments and municipalities to come together? forget about it. say we re going to spend that money on that? then you train them. the snow doesn t come for three more years. how many of those people are still left in the system? that s exactly the point. sometimes there are things that happen and you have to take a big breath and deal with it. tonight, 20 degrees in mobile. on the coast. on the gulf coast. wala our station there, i bet they are on storm watch 2014. jackson, mississippi. this is atlanta. atlanta, here you go. tomorrow back over we ll start to see sign