political witch hunt. well, that s a terrible thing for the attorney general to say. we are a duly charged, under the constitution, under the rules and laws of the house body to investigate the actions of any agency. they have not cooperated. they failed to give us the documentation. they are in contempt and they ve been in contempt and i think his statement, as i said on the floor, is showing contempt for the congressional process of investigation and oversight. congressman, how do you bring it to a solution to appease the oversight committee through this civil contempt charge? well, again, we re asking for, i think, a reasonable request, to get all of the information we ve requested. we know there s a great deal of data, we ve requested that
was supposed to be done and now, i understand that your oversight committee is looking for the those particular documents. how do you measure that against what he said. let s go back, first he said he did everything he could to facilitate congressional oversight. well, that, first of all, fiasco. secondly, what he did was from february 4th, in 2011, for some, some 11 months, he did everything he could to thwart and deny that the department of justice or he knew anything about this. so, first, he s not telling us the truth and secondly, he s done everything to obstruct this investigation. and that s why it was held in contempt. because he did not provide us the material that we requested to, only a small percentage and then tried to close down the investigation. kelly: all right. congressman, so i hear what you re saying, you re saying that he tried to close down
and welcome back. the justice department refusing to prosecute attorney general eric holder after he is held in contempt of congress. the deputy attorney general telling house speaker john boehner that holder s refusal to provide documents related to the operation fast and furious investigation, quote, does not constitute a crime. and that the doj will not bring the doj being the department of justice will not bring the contempt citation before a grand jury or take any other action to prosecute the attorney general. well, officials say fast and furious was supposed to track guns from the u.s. to drug cartels in mexico, but investigators say the feds failed to follow those weapons. two weapons turned up the at the murder scene of border patrol agent brian tear you i. republican john micah is one of the house members who voted to hold the attorney general in contempt and a member of the oversight committee. he s here to share details on
what the republicans will do next in the 18 month long case, what will you do next? well, congress actually passed two measures, one to hold him in contempt on their criminal basis and the second on a civil basis. and currently, we didn t expect the department of justice to take action against the attorney general. although, we think it was warranted, and there was an individual who was a agen agentn the united states, killed. the department of justice put the scheme together and supplied weapons to murderers and drug dealers in mexico. on the criminal charges that should have been pursued and it s now being by the department of justice and it will go to the civil suit, trying to get the documents what it s about. kelly: counsngressman, you r
dirty. i really like that, get your hands dirty, step out of your facebook page and get involved in people s lives. john tesh showing others and of course himself how it live life beyond a dream. great stuff. sounds like a nice guy. some federal air marshals are out of a job today. fired for something that may shock you, and now be, even more are suspended. and they will the not prosecute the top law enforcement officer despite the householding him in contempt of congress. next, we will hear what republicans will do next. . i am proud of the fact that we are bringing up this contempt. it s sad at that we got to this day. we have no other choice, but we as a body, as an institution, a separate branch of government have to duty and obligation and we re fulfilling that here today. our cloud is not soft and fluffy. our cloud is made of bedrock. concrete. and steel. our cloud is the smartest brains