While the Karnataka High Court is yet to announce its verdict on the ban on Hijab in educational institutions case, three cases have been registered in Mangaluru post the confrontation between two groups of students over wearing Hijab during the examination.
Karnataka Hijab Row: VP Venkaiah Naidu slams controversy, says ‘students should be guided by uniform’ - Vice President Venkaiah Naidu has slammed the unnecessary controversy around the Karnataka hijab row, urging students to follow the uniform code.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Vice president M Venkaiah Naidu on Saturday, referring to the hijab row in Karnataka, slammed the "unnecessary controversy" that erupted in the state and said that there should not be any discrimination as students should be "guided by uniform" in schools. India News | Hijab Row: VP Naidu Slams Unnecessary Controversy, Says Students Should Be Guided by Uniform.