I know we say it every spring, but I sure wish the wind would let up. I’m sure the empty lick barrels and trampolines have all left the country by now. It’s kind of.
I don’t know about you, but I’m sure all caught up on wind. So much easterly wind has been especially tiresome. Fortunately, there’s been some moisture with it here, unlike many April winds in.
It’s sure trying to green up here. These shots of wet snow and rain have really been encouraging, even with the headaches they cause for those calving, lambing and foaling. I’m in favor of.
A group of ranch women in Montana have banded together to direct market beef under the Montana RancHERS label, providing a variety of grass-fed beef products. The trio sells whole,
As of this writing, there still hasn’t been a frost here at my place. It’s been 40 degrees a few mornings, so sure zesty, but it’s warmed up during the day. The leaves are turning.