by his own six living children. his 28 grandchildren and 38 great-grandchildren. he s self taught with no formal religious training. and even his family thinks this is a sham. so he made $80 million with no formal education, having a lot of kids. he is a genius. so don t go to college, basically. don t go to school. the idea of the rapture is the new way forward. it s a new liberal arts degree, i think. there are signs of the rapture. sean penn dating scarlett johannson. no strings attached, the new movie. i don t know. any more? that s it? bridesmaids didn t get good reviews. greg: that s a sham. 1994, newt gingrich back in the news, that s a sign of the apocalypse. that s not a coincidence. that s not human! he is a harbinger of things to