i got pregnant at the club. you all are worried about twerking. we keep getting we are such a sexualized culture. what will they do in 50 years. they will be getting pregnant at the club. buck naked at the club. twerking will be tame. you don t want some buttocks touching in 50 years. that s all it is. brings us to our question of the day, we want to know what you think, should schools restrict dances that students can do? log on to wnnfans.com and weigh in. chime in specifically on the twerk. but tweet us. we want to know how you feel about the twerk. exactly. coming up next, highlights from last night s game two of the world series. plus, a disturbing admission by former superstar quarterback bret favre. what is happening lately that he says scares him. you are watching world news now. announcer: world news now weather brought to you by delsym. world news now
most feel a tug and they just shrug. i speak of those who feel no sexual attraction to others. an estimated 1% of the population should be recognized as the fourth sexual orientation or sso for fso for short. they call him an under study group that can feel excluded from our, quote, sex liesed culture. sexualized culture. and indeed it is. they say quote, we want 8 sexuality to be recognized as a sexual orientation rather than a disorder that people have to hide. so let s discuss this in the shall we lightning roooooouuuunnnnddd. lightning round. do you buy this?