drugs rid you of racism. former white nationalist saysha he took ndn a which i found out his ecstasy and then renounced all of his racist views. i heard this happens when you applpp youy in a medical settin. could this chang e or racism quick. i think so. i think it might although i reject the premise just for the record.th [laughter], th i m glad you got that on the record.iv it is interesting because one time i tried mushrooms and erthi realized we are just by reading differently and we are all just matter and i was a shiitake mushroom. greg
be jh jail. your words. no it s not, check my website. next. - be jh jail. your words. no it s not, check my website. next. it s - be jh jail. your words. no it s not, check my website. next. it s a - check my website. next. it s a website you re check my website. next. it s a website you re ticking - check my website. next. it s a website you re ticking down i check my website. next. it s a | website you re ticking down and check my website. next. it s a i website you re ticking down and i wonder why those comments have been taken down. you wonder why those comments have been taken down. ., ., ., .. , taken down. you are accusing me, i m cruessin , taken down. you are accusing me, i m guessing. you re taken down. you are accusing me, i m guessing, you re accusing taken down. you are accusing me, i m guessing, you re accusing me - taken down. you are accusing me, i m guessing, you re accusing me of the l guessing, you re accusing me of the things i am accused of and saying i am
would think about tomorrow when they cast their ballots. cast their ballots. on the migration issued is important cast their ballots. on the migration issued is important to cast their ballots. on the migration issued is important to produce - issued is important to produce permanent policies. i think it is not feasible to find a solution that says they not feasible to find a solution that says they should stay or go. these policies says they should stay or go. these policies serve not be solely made by turkey policies serve not be solely made by turkey it policies serve not be solely made by turkey it is policies serve not be solely made by turkey. it is also important to make those turkey. it is also important to make those policies in cooperation with neighbouring countries and home countries neighbouring countries and home countries of foreigners. this weight is going countries of foreigners. this weight is going to countries of foreigners. this weight is goi
we re told is a grassroots minority that is organized angry on topic of quote unquote, parental rights. does it surprise you, settin aside the gerrymandering question, that the republica party which knows needs to actually do some winning here. it s embracing topics that jus don t have national support. at some, point they do need to win something legitimately and in order to do so, don t they need to adopt some kind o policy that has some kind of broad popularity if you watch the 2022 results here in michigan michigan has had a blu trifecta state, the first time in 40 years. because we ve set such - a rebuke to this brand o republican politics. where governor ran her entir campaign on anti-trans legislation. despite the fact that only two kids in a state of 10 millio people a year of life for th
are so badly gerrymandered that s exactly what happened t michigan because of gerrymandering, tha allows the republican party to regain control and remain in control they continue to flank further, and further to th right extreme. it works its way all the way t the federal government i wonder though some of thi is coming in part legislator and part of its republican - and judges having evermore powers when they run int legislature. when we re talking about abortion for example the arguments over mifepristone, some of this is fueled by what we re told is a grassroots minority that is organized angry on topic of quote unquote, parental rights. does it surprise you, settin aside the gerrymandering question, that the republica party which knows needs to actually do some winning here. it s embracing topics that jus don t have national support.