on november 30th. so, however, the judge had grave reservations and didn t want to agree with that evaluation and still ordered instead of the children going back to full custody to the father, that they continue in the same fashion that they had which was supervised visits with a child protect i have services protective services caseworker with them. where i think they should have gone a step further, and by this i mean child and family services, is by having these sessions in a neutral site megyn: you can to that, right? absolutely. and that should have been the recommendation. he s been acting unstable, he s the prime suspect person of interest with respect to the death of his wife, wife, so a ce then that at the basis of it would be domestic abuse or violence. there were allegations, of course, that he was emotionally abusive, she was going to leave him, and he said you ll take these kids over my dead body. when you have that kind of language and threat of violence, it is inc