Education leaders take center stage once again before lawmakers, this time spotlighting special education within the Guam Department of Education. The public immediately gets a first chance to speak t
The ongoing debate over the location of the new Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH) takes center stage once again as Governor Leon Guerrero s proposal to acquire crown land in Barrigada for the medical compl
Over the weekend, Governor Lou Leon Guerrero signed six bills into law, addressing a range of issues from fireworks legalization to the extension of power bill subsidies and the requirement for yearly
In a recent session, the island’s senators made a decisive vote to pass Bill 113 with 14 in favor of it. The bill is aimed at increasing accountability within the Guam Department of Education (G
Senators met today for the sixth emergency session in the last eight months. This time they re tackling what they say is a serious financial deficit at the Guam Memorial Hospital, which is about $30 m