turnarounds as you did for hannibal, for eleanor roosevelt and for the people in my book. and, i suspect, for a lot of folks whose names you ll never know and whose lives may never be written about, but there s a lot of opportunity for that awakening or self-revelation at a certain point to actually define how it is you re going to spend your time. maybe, perhaps, one of the most critical experiences that a human being has, as somebody who s been through an extraordinary amount of emotion and psychological pain in the last couple of years, trying to figure that sort of thing out. andreas, congratulations to you and thank you for not only being a great guest, but being a great teacher. and obviously enduring the necessary pain to publish a book like this. hannibal and me is the book, andreas kluth is the author. do check it out. coming up here on hardball, chris in new hampshire asking the question, can anyone stop mitt? but first, how to actually keep those new year s resolut