romney/ryan ticket as opposed to his own positions and his own statements. romney s been modulating a little bit or saying some things that were somewhat garbled on abortion this week. i think you re going to hear a lot about that tonight. medicare, abortion, i think benghazi. i i agree. joe biden, former chairman of the foreign relation committee and this very strong attack from the republican on leading the committee that had a four-hour hearing pillaring the state department yesterday. an area where anticipation had been joe biden would be able to press a grav as it. benghazi complicated that and you ll see paul ryan hit that. time magazine, your magazine out, and preprized k k pictures they took for the runner-up when paul ryan was runner-up for man of the year. do we need more proof than this man likes to work out? the man s in good shape. good photos.
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some say he shouldn t be in that mode on the day of the debate. that s the republicans increase lig full-floated argument why the president should be replaced as the economy s gotten better it s harder for them to make a straight economic argument and simpson is giving voice to what you hear a lot not just the romney campaign, it s about leadership overseas, leadership at home and alan simpson says said in his colorful manner. pithy way. maggie you ve been writing for politico on five things to watch tonight. what are you watching for tonight? the main thing i m watching for is how joe biden performs we all are. joe biden has gotten this reputation, somewhat deserved as a gaffe machine but that s not what he does in debates. in debates he s more skilled, controlled. a huge stage for paul ryan. we re going to be looking for how joe biden addresses the issue of seniors and medicare, we re going to be look at how paul ryan carries those attacks and how he s able defend the
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