Three immersive, hands-on exhibitions take up the tubes that mimic the LHC tunnel and the pavilion connected to Van Hove Square, which houses former detectors and detector parts. One tube is home to Our Universe, which along one side draws a timeline from the present-day structure of our cosmos all the way back to the Big Bang. On the other side, Exploring the Unknown features four installations by artists from around the world who collaborate with Arts at CERN. Their aim is to inspire a new way of thinking about the mysteries of the Universe. The other tube – Discover CERN – answers many of the questions you may have about how to study particles and how accelerators work. Lastly, in another of the pavilions, visitors will come face to face with particle scales and phenomena through which to experience the Quantum World. On the first floor of the reception pavilion are the Labs, where school groups, families and individual visitors will be encouraged to work together and carry out