you know, there s a lot of family businesses, a husband and wife, running a luncheonette in new york city that maybe have a million, $1 million invested, if they re earning 15 percent on that investment, plus working 12 hours a day, both of them, five days a week, two, 60-hour weeks, you can easily see them having an income of $350,000 a year. making them wealthy? it s absurd. but to give you an idea how far it reaches, you know those schedule c s that self-employed people file? raising the taxes for people over 250 would tax 50 percent of the profits that are reported on schedule c s, and otherwise earned by small businesses. that threshold is absurd and it s one of the reasons that president obama, just took such a shellac. jon: a question from jon in bethlehem, pennsylvania, he says i hear all about creating new jobs but it seems to me that the job they re talking about are either construction, shovel ready or at best, labor related. where are the jobs for