lawrence: we love that open. this is #:00 a.m. on the east coast. tuesday, may the 28th and it s fox & friends. fox news alert. a violent holiday weekend in chicago. at least 39 people shot and nine killed, including a 5-year-old girl, days after mayor brandon johnson rolled out his new summer safety plan. carley: plus, closing arguments, jury instructions, and possibly a verdict this week. new york vs. trump could come to a close soon. steve: and absolutely speechless. steve: yeah, that s a rod and his 19-year-old daughter surprised him at the timberwolves play off game he was shocked we have that and more social media trends coming up because fox & friends starts now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. it will all turn out and you will make it work, work to work it out. give more than i get. ainsley: look at those beautiful american flags. remembering those who fought for our country. who have sacrificed for our country and we are so gra
time, first and last. it s kind of scary at first. you know, all the prison stories i ve heard. i do what i got to do, you know, can t be that bad. haynes recently accepted a plea deal in which his charges of pimping and pandering were dropped but he pled guilty to human trafficking and was sentenced to three years. he will take with him a permanent reminder of santa rita and an attack he alleges is by convicted murderer philip white. cut my face. it was super wide like nasty. if nothing else, haynes misfortune provided a learning experience for his young cell mate jameel dewer. that scar for life, that ain t going nowhere. i asked him how it happened he told me. made me think differently about how i approach people and everything. you never know what you re going to get. you never know if you got to talk to him about it.
kids. sierra had been where lindsay was now, and in daily visits to the hospital, offered advice about the endless needles, the biopsies, the daily terrors of her new left. i was really scared, so i asked sierra what it was really like to have a heart? what did she tell you? she told me it was kind of scary at first, but then you re fine. her siblings worked to build her up, no rivalry here. i know they ve paid a heavy price for all the attention they get. i m okay with them getting attention. i m really okay. go lindsay. and as jason and stacy waited. mired in their impossibly bad luck, a remarkable likeness seemed to carry them through their long draining days. their sleepless nights, they did
that s going to be my first time, first and last. it s kind of scary at first. you know, all the prison stories i ve heard. i do what i got to do, you know, can t be that bad. haynes recently accepted a plea deal in which his charges of pimping and pandering were dropped but he pled guilty to human trafficking and was sentenced to three years. he will take with him a permanent reminder of santa rita and an attack he alleges is by convicted murderer philip white. cut my face. it was super wide like nasty. if nothing else, haynes misfortune provided a learning experience for his young cell mate jameel dewer. that scar for life, that ain t going nowhere. i asked him how it happened he told me how it happened. made me think differently about how i approach people and everything. you never know what you re going to get.
word about his future. he will soon transfer to state prison. that s going to be my first time, first and last. it s kind of scary at first. you know, all the prison stories i ve heard. i do what i got to do, you know, can t be that bad. haynes recently accepted a plea deal in which his charges of pimping and pandering were dropped but he pled guilty to human trafficking and was sentenced to three years. he will take with him a permanent reminder of santa rita and an attack he alleges is by convicted murderer philip white. cut my face. it was super wide like nasty. if nothing else, haynes misfortune provided a learning experience for his young cell mate jameel dewer. that scar for life, that ain t going nowhere. i asked him how it happened he told me. made me think differently about how i approach people and everything. you never know what you re going to get. you never know if you got to