Please excuse us if we have any technology issues. This process may be different than we normally do. If i may, i may move on to item 2, the approval of the march 3rd, 2020 minutes. Do we need to do a call to order and role call . Yes, thank you. So ill start with you, commissioner. role call . Well move on to item 2, the approval of the march 2 minutes. Reviewing the minutes of the previous meeting, does anybody have a motion to approve . So moved. Second. All those i in favor . Do we need to do a role call . role call . Thank you. Item 3, the directors report. The directors report is in front of you and i would ask that if you have any questions, of course, im happy to answer them, but given that the majority of our meeting with focus on covid19, i will not need whats in front of you, but im happy to answer any questions you see fit to raise at the time. Any commissioner questions . Im not receivining a Public Comment request. Commissioners, if not, we can move on to the next item. I
Technology issues. This process may be different than we normally do. If i may, i may move on to item 2, the approval of the march 3rd, 2020 minutes. Do we need to do a call to order and role call . Yes, thank you. So ill start with you, commissioner. role call . Well move on to item 2, the approval of the march 2 minutes. Reviewing the minutes of the previous meeting, does anybody have a motion to approve . So moved. Second. All those i in favor . Do we need to do a role call . role call . Thank you. Item 3, the directors report. The directors report is in front of you and i would ask that if you have any questions, of course, im happy to answer them, but given that the majority of our meeting with focus on covid19, i will not need whats in front of you, but im happy to answer any questions you see fit to raise at the time. Any commissioner questions . Im not receivining a Public Comment request. Commissioners, if not, we can move on to the next item. Item 4, the coronavirus update. S
Sf gov tv. Any announcements, madam clerk . Please make sure to silence all cell phones and documents to be included in the file shall be submitted to the clerk. Thank you. Can you please call item number one . Resolution with section 147f of code 1986 as amended, the execution of loans by the California Municipal Finance Authority in one or more series pursuant to a plan of financing and in aggregate amount not to exceed 20 million. I continued this item for more information from the school and thank you very much to San Francisco for providing this committee with more information about their institution. And i would like to open this up for Public Comment and seeing none, Public Comment is close. I would like to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. If you can take that without objection, thank you, colleagues. Madam clerk, please call 26. Item 2, a ground please for 1. 6 acres of shoreline property for open space for a term of 66 years at an annual base rent of 1. N
Thank you supervisor mar for bringing this resolution to us and to all the folks that came out. There is clearly a need, particularly in a growing city, where we are adding density in areas that have not had density before or as much density before , to make sure that we can can can contend with all the challenges that will be coming with that. One of the speakers said that we figured out how to handle the seawall and the potential infrastructure challenges on the eastern side of the city and i think thats pretty much not true, but, you know, looking forward over the next decades, we will have extraordinary infrastructure challenges everywhere in the city, but i want to thank you, supervisor mar. I will make a motion to forward this to the full board with a positive recommendation. We can take that without objection. Great. Mr. Clerk, please call the next item. Number six is an ordinance amending the health code by amending the sugar sweetened beverage morning ordinance and revise the
Added to the parks analyzed for fire risked due to the large number of eucalyptus trees. I would urge the board to look at shortterm Solutions Beyond hose tenders and currently only north basin has been retrofitted and that would be an if south basin ruptures, that would be a loss of Drinking Water to the city. I would urge beyond house hoe tenders, i would urge others well. This includes the replacement of water is sewer lines, thank you. Next speaker. Hello, supervisors. Im albert chow. Im the president of people parkside sunset on taravel street. Since 1906 earthquake and the rebirth of San Francisco, our forefathers thought it was to build a firefighting system, not in case but when. Our city has expandedded to south didnt west and the awss has not kept pace with the growth. Were not projected to be a city of 1. 5 million in the year 200 whic2050. We need more schools, s and open spaces. The fact that we have grown does not mean that the big one is going to ignore us. I own a harbo