Subnautica is one of my all-time favorite games, and I absolutely loathe survival games. Unknown Worlds’ underwater survival/lowkey horror title won me over thanks to its smart balancing, beautiful yet frightening handcrafted world, and intriguing narrative. So, it should come as no surprise to anyone that I was immediately onboard with
Subnautica: Below Zero, the former-DLC-turned-sequel.
Below Zero has some tough fins to fill, since part of the first Subnautica’s magnetic charm was arguably created by how little we knew about the world we found ourselves in; of not knowing what illuminating or terrifying discovery awaited us. That first venture outside the Safe Shallows and into the waiting maw of a hungry Reaper leviathan was an eye-opening shock, one that’s difficult to replicate. Does Subnautica: Below Zero feel like a tired repeat of already established tricks, or is it capable of fabricating new thrills?