Caught in an avalanche. Mastless in the Indian Ocean. Come back alive from your worst nightmare. Matt Higgins, Will Taylor, Eliza Griswold, Ryan Krogh, Doug Schnitzspahn, Bob Shacochis, John Spong, and Steven D. Hannah
Oct 25, 2010
When Greg Carr decided to help restore the greatest wildlife park in Mozambique, he didn t just send a check. He traded his suits for shorts and Boston for the savanna. And what he s accomplished in just four years at Gorongosa is one of the unlikeliestand most hopefulstories in Africa.
Bob Shacochis
Jun 30, 2009
Best-selling novelist and serial muckraker Carl Hiaasen is mad as hell about what they re doing to Florida. His revenge? Vicious mockery of Sunshine State sleazeballs and greedy eco-thugs. An equally pissed-off Bob Shacochis tags along for a day of fantasy bonefishing and literary whup-ass.