where he thinks he would be more effective delivering his message. of course, we re keeping a close eye on all things russia as the president tries to push back on investigations involving russia. the plan is a crisis management unit, war room as it s described to deal with all things russia related. jared kushner, steve bannon and reince priebus. all those headlines emerged, raising questions about kushner s contacts with russia. he was looking to a direct line to vladimir putin in december during the transition. mr. trump telling the times he has total confidence in his son-in-law. the washington post reports he asked about using russian diplomatic facilities to try to shield them from u.s. surveillance. the white house hasn t commented publicly.
the state s legislative session turned ugly as a scuffle broke out between lawmakers. the incident was reportedly sparked after republican lawmaker said he called immigration authority on people who were at the capitol protesting senate bill 4, which bans sanctuary cities in texas. accusations flew of death threats between republicans and democrats. the man charged in the fatal stabbing two of goo samaritans on the train in portland, friday. the city s mayor wheeler is calling on organizers of the two upcoming alt-right incidentso cancel them. wheeler asked the federal government t revoke or deny the permits for the events. president trump and his advisers are gearing up for an allegations against russia. the planned established a war room to deal with all things russia related. white house aides tell nbc news the effort will be headed by jared kushner, steve bannon and reince priebus. the white house is discussing having a team of lawyers approve
affordable premiums, and we have other members who have brought some really constructive ideas to the table, like gary palmer and dave schweiker, which all revolve around making sure there are solid protections for people but getting everyone lower premiums. last week you said that when chairman nunes briefed you about the information that he got, that it was a whistleblower who gave him the information. then it was revealed that at least two white house officials helped him get this information. what gives you confidence that it was a whistleblower and that chairman nunes is being truthful? i don t know who it was, but i ll tell you this, chairman nunes has my confidence. i ve met with the committee. they have my confidence. what s important is that this committee does its investigation on a bipartisan basis to get to the bottom of things and investigate all things russia. that s what this committee is going to do. it s going to take some time. it s not going to be played out i
about their findings so far. however, take a listen to this. some of the techniques that russia used in this election, as we find more and more, would send a chill down anyone who believes in the democratic process in this country or around the world. the intelligence committee isn t the only senate entity focusing on russia this week. an appropriations sub committee heard from a putin critic who claim he was poisoned twice for speaking out against the russian regime. john sxhk lindsay graham, the bash brothers on all things russia-related, didn t squandered the opportunity to take on putin. it is very clear that putin has decided that he will eliminate his opponents and anyone who stands up for democracy and freedom, and he does so with relative impunity.
shifted or changed in any of the swing states that mattered in this election. the media is not focused on that. we had reporters on this program, john solomon and sara carter are both saying there was surveillance of the server at trump tower there was a fisa b warrant. while he is willing to admit when investigation is going on he will not admit another in terms of leaking he says it s common practice, we do not acknowledge that. is that troubling to you? that is why we have an intelligence community investigation. the point is the president asked for this and we already had investigation going on before all of this. that is why chairman nunes andnd his ranking members are going to see to the bottom of this and get through everything all russia related. i was busy doing my job so i did not watch the hearing. i don t think we learnedoi anything new here and it only confirmed what we have been saying all along. at the end of the day we will get to the bottom of all of the stuff. the q